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Aftershave/Beard & Face Oil

Aftershave/Beard & Face Oil

Excluding Sales Tax

Like all of the products we formulate, careful research goes into choosing each ingredient. It’s never about putting random oils together and calling it done. Certain oils have certain properties and vitamins and function differently, for example some are penetrating oils, some are sealing oils and need to be utilized for their correct purpose for best results. This seems to be a bit of a tangent (sorry, we just get so excited about our formulation process!), but we’ll get back on course. We’ve combined several oils that have both hair and skin benefits. We’ve chosen JOJOBA (most closely resembles human sebum, a protective substance, essential for healthy skin & hair), GRAPESEED (light, quick-absorbing & full of anti-oxidants) HEMP SEED (packed with AMAZING skin nutrients/benefits… so soothing and healing-great for ACNE, ROSACEA, MATURE SKIN-it’s anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-aging-that’s why it’s used in all of our face care formulations) ARGAN OIL (touted for it’s superior ability to moisturize hair, prevent breakage, reduce hair loss, protects skin from sun damage and is anti-bacterial and antifungal.) VITAMIN E (powerful antioxidant, great for hair shine and moisturization too!) Currently available in 8 scents!-made with essential oils. Try one-your skin/beard will thank you!


    Nourishing Oil Base:

    Jojoba, Grapeseed, Hemp Seed, Meadowfoam Seed & Argan Oils, Vit. E, Rosemary Oleoresin (1.25 oz)

    Essential Oils:

    CABIN-Van., Sandalwood, Cedarwood

    FOREST- Fir, Rosemary, Thyme, Bergamot, Euc.

    MOUNTAIN-Lavender, Fir,

    Cedarwood, Lime, Frankincense

    BLACK HONEY- Vetiver, Lemongrass, Laurel Leaf, Euc.

    TOBACCO WOODS- Tobacco, Van., Cedarwood, Cardamom

    THE WOODSMAN-Patchouli, Fir, Spruce, Lime

    LAKE-TeaTree, Mint, Fir, Spruce,Lem, Euc.

    MUDDY CREEK-Lime, Thyme, Fir, Frank., Euc.

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